You're Now Free to Move About the Country

    Do you remember when Southwest Airlines used this slogan?  To me, it seems that phrase has never been more appropriate than right now.  Everywhere I look there are record numbers of people driving and flying; in my area rentals are booked out to Labor Day, campsites are full.  In short: Americans are getting out and about. 

    Another observation I made this past week reminded me of a conversation I had with Narumi, my Japanese exchange-daughter several years ago.  Of the many cultural differences she observed while staying with us, one conversation I recall vividly was about how many United States flags she saw flown nearly everywhere.  I wonder what her impression would have been if she had arrived to our house in early July versus August.   The Red, White, and Blue truly seem to be on display everywhere for the country’s birthday this weekend.  I even had a kind neighbor (with permission) adorn our mailbox with an extra decoration he had!

    We all know that the country was “born” on July 4th, 1776 (not technically accurate, but let’s just go with it), but when did we begin celebrating that day as Independence Day?  Come to find out, Philadelphia held a celebration the very next year in 1777:

    Still thinking about the cultural differences my Japanese daughter witnessed, I also started to wonder about other nations’ remembrances.  I know other countries have their own versions of Independence Day, but it really is interesting how they’re celebrated:

    If you or your loved ones are traveling this weekend, I pray for safe travels.  If you’re like me this holiday and sticking closer to the homestead, I hope you are able to relax and find freedom in whatever you choose.

    Please remember that we are “here” and available for you as well.  If you have any questions or concerns, financial or otherwise, please do not hesitate to call or email.  If you have friends, family, or neighbors you feel would benefit from a conversation with me, I’m more than happy to have a call or jump on a Zoom meeting with them. 

    As always, I hope that you are doing well, and staying safe & healthy!